Does this mean you are not a good project manager? Not so.
Many factors come into play. Many factors may have been out of your control, although the sage saying is that everything should be in the project manager's control.
Is this really true? What do you think?
I think not. Experienced project managers know that they can control what they can control and only influence what they cannot directly control. For example, inter-departmental politics, vendor politics, customer politics.
The project manager must attempt to influence the situation so that all interested parties move the project in the same direction, which is forward towards the launch date. We all know this doesn't always happen.
So what can we do?
Control what is within your control and influence interested parties. The main point is for the team to keep pushing progress foreward. There will come a point where the project is ready and no matter the politics, the project is simply ready for launch. Nothing else to debate or discuss.
This is easier said than done as it requires skillful management to keep the team morale high and keep the team together.
Copyright © Bernard Ong, 2006-2009.
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