How to Rescue Failing Software Projects: Practical Proven Methods That Work

IMG_1712 My book is finally available as an eBook, on Amazon Kindle and on Amazon. I wrote this book to share my experience in how to rescue failing software projects. When I was going through such a situation, I had no one to turn to. My hope is that the information in this book will be useful to those in similar situations. Although the information in the book pertains to software projects, I have come to realize that the techniques can be used in many other situations. I have personally used these techniques in business and technical projects.

You can read more about it here.
My book can be purchased here at
Amazon Kindle version is available here at

Sunday, March 22, 2015

the value of creating value

The value of an activity, deliverable or artifact depends on the needs, requirement and timing. What was of value yesterday may not be of value today.

So as we create value, think about how to develop and create lasting value and value of substance.

Sounds vague. Think deeply about it for it helps to put things into perspective.

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