Reflections on personal effectiveness techniques and how I use them to turnaround software projects, business and achieve my own goals.
How to Rescue Failing Software Projects: Practical Proven Methods That Work
My book is finally available as an eBook, on Amazon Kindle and on Amazon. I wrote this book to share my experience in how to rescue failing software projects. When I was going through such a situation, I had no one to turn to. My hope is that the information in this book will be useful to those in similar situations. Although the information in the book pertains to software projects, I have come to realize that the techniques can be used in many other situations. I have personally used these techniques in business and technical projects.
You can read more about it here.
My book can be purchased here at
Amazon Kindle version is available here at
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Everyone has a story to tell
We all do. We all love to listen to stories. Believe it or not, we all also love to tell stories, especially when the stories belong to us. Ask anyone a simple question, " How did you have fun when you were a child?". You will hear endless stories of happy, sad, angry, disappointing childhood. THese are all stories.
Do you have a story to tell? Our story is being writen every single minute in the pages of time. Do you notice it? What's your story going to be at the end of today? Have you done a random act of kindness, helped someone, helped yourself to improve and move towards your goals, or done a small kind deed that help light up the eyes of a child?
As our story is being written, I'm sure you would want to be the author of your own story. Do not allow your story to be written by others. This is where goals and time management become critical. Without clear goals and action that follow, we drift and our story is written by circumstances.
So, take charge of your life now. Write your goals down and make good use of your time to create the greatest story you can ever tell to others...your very own story that you are proud of.
Copyright © Bernard Ong, 2006,2007.
All Rights Reserved